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Sales tips for success this EOFY

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The countdown to EOFY is on! Time to close out those deals.
Here are our top tips to help you close a few more deals – and get that bonus!

1. Fire up your pipeline
EOFY is the perfect excuse to revisit and recharge some of your lingering leads. These are the ones you’ve already put the hard yards in with, who have their proposed solution ready to go and all their objections addressed but are yet to make that final decision.

Call them and use the tried and tested assumptive close to finally push them over the line. On the phone, discuss possible installation dates with them. Stop using “if’ and start using “when”; everything in your manner and language should imply that the way forward is as obvious to them as it is to you.

Read more: Fire up customer leads

2. Workshop stalled deals
Sometimes you just need a fresh pair of eyes to review some of your stubborn leads and help you brainstorm closing strategies.

This is where you can take advantage of being a Smart Ease Channel Partner. Our sales directors help move through hundreds of decarbonisation deals every month, of various sizes, with various contexts and complications. We’re always happy to jump on a call with you and workshop some of your stuck deals.

3. Mine your existing database
It’s a lot easier working with existing clients than winning new clients. Have you thought about revisiting some of your previous clients and offering them equipment to supplement their existing system?

For solar customers, perhaps you could propose a battery system or even an EV charger? Offer them an audit to see where they could be more energy-efficient. If they’ve worked with you once, they’ll be more likely to want to work with you again.

4. Freshen dormant leads
Remember that customer you were speaking to about rising costs? And remember how they weren’t quite convinced on creating a natural hedge by installing solar?

Business circumstances change all the time. Those prospective customers may now be in a position where they need to desperately take a control of their operating costs. As a result, they may be much more open to your message.

5. Turn cost into your leading selling point
The number one objection prospective customers always raise is cost. The usual approach to this objection is to either wait for them to figure out their finances or mention different payment options that might help solve the cost issue.

There’s a better way to do it.

Integrate Payment Plans into your pitch. Payment Plans allow your prospects to install their decarbonisation equipment with zero upfront spend. Even better, 90% of the time, their monthly repayments are lower than their electricity savings and installing their system puts them in a cash-flow positive position.

Installing solar is an easy sell when it’s paying for itself and freeing up extra capital.

Read more: Close more deals with this killer sales hack

Interested in more tailored sales advice?

Get in touch with your Sales Director to book in a 1:1 session.